
A selection of videos expressing personal views about Order Life, by members of the Order.

It is intended that this selection of videos will grow over time as various members are interviewed, and their perspectives developed in discussion with David Friese-Greene.



In the interview after about 20 minutes I talked about my father’s death but I missed out something very important in what he said. What he actually said was; “Paul, you have to realise that I am completely happy to die and I am completely happy to continue to live if there is something useful for me to do and which ever is right is what will happen.” He lived in that spirit for a week after telling that to me, but I am sure that he had reached that state significantly before then. He died peacefully a moment after telling my mother, when she asked him how he was, that he was "absolutely fine"

I would like to find out if living with that orientation is as beautiful as it promises to be and helps me do a better job of following the great commandment.

I rejoined the Order because I believed that doing so would help me live in the spirit and to “live life more abundantly” for as long a God gives me the gift of life as a finite being with limited awareness.